Sunday, September 2, 2007

Perfect Stranger: Absolute Confusion

I believe the critics. Halle Berry is quite definitely going for this year's Razzies.

Again, another movie with a twist that cannot be delivered with satisfaction. I think Hollywood is running out of DePalmas and Hitchcocks.

It started off running as the chase is on for a scoop on a scandal only to lose steam as Halle's Rowena was stopped in her tracks because her piece could not be published because "the powerful were protecting the powerful".

Then they broaden the story to include other characters, diluting the suspense by including murder and attempted rape. Red herrings from computer technology hacking to a shrine erected by a crush-smitten colleague were placed in the second part of the film. Bruce Willis's Harrison Hill character was the absolute red herring. His mohawkian hairstyle is a laugh.

The love making scene where Berry shows her hottiness was also devoid of sexiness and a waste of good celluloid.

No suspense. No fun. Another bad outing for Halle Berry.



Unknown said...

Good blog, like kirai's one!

Family of Four said...

lord kobol,

Many thanks for visiting my blog.

Do drop by again.

. said...

Great movie reviews... :) Gambate..