Tuesday, December 18, 2007

The Right Stuff!

Inspired by Author Wolfe’s book, The Right Stuff focuses on the desire to find out why astronauts accepted the danger of space flight. The film probes the enormous risks test pilots took and the mental and physical characteristics required for and reinforced by their jobs ("the right stuff").The astronauts are likened to "single combat warriors" from an earlier era who received the honor and adoration of their people before going forth to fight on their behalf.

It is a beautifully crafted film showcasing the space race between the US and the Russians to put the first man into orbit. Even though the Soviet Union's early space efforts are mentioned only as background, and the film tend to see space missions through the eyes of the U.S. space programme, it continues to be as riveting.

Any one desiring to see the entire US maiden space exploits i.e. the Mercury space programme and its 7 astronauts can get an indicative and enjoyable dosage here.

Fun stuff; every one should see it!


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