Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Only in PJ/KL?

Parents normally do not have their kids sit behind them when they drive. It would be most insulting as then they would be likened to the help. So the kids normally sit in the front passenger seat.

Being rich, these kids are ferried mostly by drivers and so they sit behind like little emperors or mini madams.

But I can't help notice that lately, it is becoming more of a trend. At a tuition centre somewhere close, I observed most kids just matter of factly sit behind; even if their father or mother drives. The parents, it appear so, no longer seems to mind.

That's spoiling them to the max, don't you think?



chosha said...

Actually, small children are safer in the backseat, as child booster seats fit into bench seats better than they do into bucket seats. In Australia it is required that they sit in the back unless there are two many childen and then the oldest sits in the front.

As for older children sitting in the back by choice, that just seems so weird to me. Here older kids/teenagers race their brothers and sisters to the car to try and get the front passenger seat and parents often have to remember who sat in front last time so that all the kids can have a turn.

But whatever the cultural differences, any child treating their parents in a manner reserved for hired help is rude and arrogant, and yes, a parent who allows that is spoiling them. And making a rod for their own back.

The thing that makes me angry is to see a boy sitting in front with his father, while his mother is relegated to the back seat. It's awful for a child to learn so young that his father has no respect for his mother. That child will no doubt treat his mother with disrespect, too.

Family of Four said...


Thanks for the comments. The children I am talking about are in the mid-teens. They are being spoilt rotten undoubtedly.

Do feel free to speak your mind on all the topics that are in my blogs.

