Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Ego, Emotions and Anger

It had to happen sooner or later at the Slow Shop.

Service at the food shop was slow as they only had two cooks. So when customers asked them how they can get fast service, they advise that they call ahead with the orders and come to the shop later.

And so it came to pass.

Yesterday night, we ordered ahead and came to the shop at the appointed time. Within 15 minutes we got served which irked some customers who had waited for an unduly long time. So they called up the captain of the shop and give her a piece of their mind.

My wife spoke from our table and explained we got our food earlier because we ordered for it through the phone in advance. I hushed her not to be involved. To those in confrontation, they want others to see their point of view. Seething with anger,they would not budge.

When ego and emotions get the better of people they get real mad. Do not try to bring reason in at their moment of anger. They will not listen to rationality and you may be scolded as well for getting involved unnecessarily.

So, that is one hazard of the job, the down side to private arrangements in business solicitation.

Ah Chan, the captain is a beautiful girl. Too bad to get the lashing from the ill-tempered customers!


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