Saturday, February 9, 2008

Charlie's Private War?

This is another spoof on the American Congress and how they inadvertently financed the CIA war effort by supporting the Mujahideen to oust the Russians from Afghanistan which also finally caused the fall of the Berlin Wall.

A much older, duller Tom Hanks, as if is on a regime of Botox injections, meanders zombie-like throughout the movie listlessly and no-longer-sexy Julia Roberts is no help either to the film with her coy grin and dog squad!

The story may be true on how Congress was hoodwinked by procedural inadequacies to purchase RPGs and other heavy duty ground to air missiles. But who is to tell?

A light-hearted movie, it is only good for those who wants a reprieve away from a busy day. Otherwise, stay at home and have a good sleep.


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