Monday, February 4, 2008

The Kumar Cuci Kereta Boys!

So I took my car for a wash today at the Seapark Shopping Complex.

As usual, Murphy came in to play with me. Before my car could be washed, there was this Honda Stream and its fussy old man of a owner. He kept on insisting that the poor Indian boy wash the roof of his car over and over again. That went on and on until he was satisfied and then he shut his gab! By then it was almost 30 minutes.

The cuci kereta boys seems to come from one family that lived originally at the squatter settlements in Paramount Gardens which has now been torn down. They are now housed in the Paramount Garden low-cost flats. I called them the Kumar boys because one of the boys is called Kumar.
I believe all of them have left school at the primary school level.

There is little professionalism in the way they do their work. They cannot communicate well and oftentimes get the customers' instructions mixed up. Is it a wash, a wash and a vacuum or only a vacuum? Then they forget the wash the rubber mats and also to vacuum the boot!

To make matters worse, they charged you a hefty RM10.00 for a car wash and vacuum and still ask for an angpow!


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