Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Handling Disappointments!

Sometimes when you think you have got it nailed down pat, it isn't so.

So, when our assignments comes back totally rejected-tak boleh pakai langsung, we experienced that sinking feeling. We feel worthless! We feel we have let the other party down;that we have done wrong to the other party.

But is that so?

Believe me-it is our reaction-an immediate one in most cases. No doubt, it will bruise our ego. We may feel that we are on the verge of receiving something unsavoury. But it may not be the same for all cases. In most cases, communication problems can cause things to go awry.

For many,it may be ominous too! Maybe things are not meant to be between the parties. That we have to see! We will bring it up to the Lord in prayer and do some sensing!

We should hope for the best but prepare for the worse!


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