Thursday, February 7, 2008

Ushering in the year of the Rat

The spread was enormous by any standards. My sister-in-law has prepared a meal fit for a king! It was steam-boat at its max!

I was introduced to her uncle and aunt. The uncle and aunt were both university lecturers who are fully retired. The uncle was a socio-anthropology lecturer at UKM while his wife was a Chinese language lecturer at Universiti Malaya. We made small conversation and they left early since they are Dubai-bound the next day to visit their daughter, married to a Malay working with Standard-Chartered in Dubai.

After they huge dinner, we walked around Setia-EcoPark as fire-crackers and fireworks loudly rang in the new year of the water rat.

We then dropped by for a midnight drink at Valarie's place for a whisky and some bak kua. After a bout of friendly banter, we left for home.

Reflecting on it, it sure was a special way to bring in the auspicious day!


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